

Archive for June, 2009


Salty, dry, good with beer.

Where you are going

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
Ecclesiastes 9:10

Accident Prone-ness

“…or if any other accident of wealth supervened, why, then, this accident of poverty might not have occurred.” Poor People 135

Twilight Galaxy

My favorite song on the album getting stripped down to the goosebumps.

Sympathy for the devil wears prada

Emily is so amazing not even goofy big sunglasses can tarnish her star.


asteroid, bullets, collected works, destiny, enamel, facsimile, garden, honor, instrument, jasmine, kestrel, lanolin, mercy, nicotine, ocean, palomino, qualifier, repair, salt, teleportation, umbrage, valor, willow, xxx, zipper.


She Was Resolute

“Dinah made her mind like she made her bed: carelessly and rarely. But on this she was resolute: “


“In the absence of…”

To be in the absence. In it.
Whatever we’re in is the absence of something.
(“In the absence of an earthquake, I’ll keep writing this poem.”)
Most things. Almost everything.

In the absence of almost everything,
it’s hard not to feel alone.
